The best and worst of 2015: Morning Musume '15's a-side ranking

Morning Musume '15's a-side ranking
And we start of with one of the hardest rankings. This year was such a good year for Morning Musume if we look at their songs. I loved them all so much. But there are some I love more than other, so let's have a look!

Number 9
So my least favorite song of this year is One and Only. I really do like this song and I adore how Morning Musume is trying to think of their foreign fans. But for me it's not their best song. I don't really like the chorus that much, it kinda lacks the energy the rest of the song has. 
The english is pretty good, but  it still makes me kinda go meh sometimes. I like the song but not enough to beat the others. The MV is really good btw! Really love how it makes me think of Egao no kimi wa. 

Number 8
Number 8 is Ima koko kara. This song really had to grow on to me, because it was actually planned for number 9. But Sakura's solo lines are so amazing, how can I not adore them. But the ending is so sudden. This is one of those songs I can't help but skip sometimes. 
Still I think it's a pretty nice song. It could have a bit more umpf for me, because the build up is so amazing... But when the chorus starts, it's just kinda boring. 

Number 7
Ah number 7! Sukatto my heart was one of those songs that kinda bored me when I first heared it, but now it is stuck in my head so much. There are a lot of amazing parts and gosh that chorus is so much fun. But I am just not that into these kind of songs.
It's really disco like and well it's one of those songs I like to listen to once a week, but I would never have it on repeat. Still it's a really fun and catchy song. Shinai, Shinai, Zettai Shinai!

Number 6
Number 6 and 5 actually kinda share their spot. I placed ENDLESS SKY at number 6 because I have heared it less, which makes it kinda lose. But gosh is this a great song. I love the kinda ballad, but still happy feel. It really gives me hope for some reason. And SAKURA <3 
I adore the bridge and Riho's solo around the end really broke my heart. It such a beautiful song and I really adore it. Still there are some better songs! 

Number 5
Like I said this song shares their actual spot with ENDLESS SKY, but omg is Seishun Kozou ga Naiteiru a good song! It's really Tsunku like and so incredibly cool. I actually didn't think this song would get this high, but I find myself listening to it so much. 
The 12th gen didn't stand out as much in this song, but I didn't really mind. It's just such a cool and fun song. I love singing it and running on it. 

Number 4
With number 4, a dream came true. Oh My Wish! gave us a look at some Momusu members we never had. Kanon and Haruka as center was a big wish of mine and gosh did we get it. Such an amazing and strong song! I really loved it so much. 
If I didn't have a weakness for ballad like song, I would have totally putt this song at 1. Kudo's and Zukki's vocals were so amazing in this song and I didn't even talk about Sakura, Harunan and Masaki. Because they rocked this song!

Number 3
At number 3 we have Imasugu Tobikomu Yuuki. I was really suprised by this song. We all know Masaki has amazing vocals, but with this song it was proven again. The use of instruments is really amazing and gives of such an amazing vibe. I really love how they gave Miki, Maria, Eripon and Haruna a solo, which makes this song even more nicer.
And this song really shows how good Riho's vocals are if the song is slower and when they give her time to breath. And gosh that Nagare wo ima from Masaki!! This song is super strong and will stay one of my favorites!

Number 2
Number 2 is a song I knew from the start would give me great joy. Yuugure wa Ameagari started of the year soooo good. I do gotta be honest with you, I was really mad that they put Karin into the MV and gave her such a big role, which kinda made me boycot the MV. But gosh is this song good. I really love the piano and the whole elegant feel the song gives. The vocals are really good and Mizuki sounded soooo good in this song. Not to speak of Riho, Sakura and Masaki.
I really love the whole feel of this song and I wish I could describe it better. This song would be a song that I would show to people when they ask about Morning Musume. This is who they are. Amazing song and amazing vocals. 

And here it is, the big number 1!
Number 1
Number 1 was for me the cherry on this amazing year:
Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi
When I heared this song, I could not understand how it got to me so fast. I might have shed some tears, which only made me think about how amazing this song is more. Riho is leading, but this is the way I want her to lead a song. Slow and beautiful. Another song that does have the edm like vibe, but is very tragic in some way. I wish this song would never end. I love how Kudo because one of the main vocals, because damn does her voice sound amazing in this song. And Sakura <3

The parts in between the singing are so strong and that ending. I adore how they changed it around and let the whole group sing the lines riho does solo in the other parts and vice versa. It is so touching and beautiful I can not stop thinking about this song. 
This song deserves to be number 1. It is such a touching and beautiful song. It shows of the vocals of the girls so much and well Riho. 

This year was really good for Morning Musume. All songs were strong and I had my ballad like song on every single. I hope they go on like this, because that way I will never get tired of them or their songs. (not that I think I will, but let's not think about that.)


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