The best and the worst of 2015: ANGERME's a-side ranking of 2015

ANGERME's A-side ranking of 2015
ANGERME was kind of new this year and was the rebirth of S/mileage. This year a lot has happend for them, they got 4 new members and lost one of their founding members. So let's have a look at the songs they produced this year!

Number 8
At number 8 we have Gashin Shoutan. This song really isn't my taste. I do not think I have listened to this song more than twice? The chorus is kinda fun, but the other parts are quite boring. Kanananana sounds fab, but I don't know it is just not my kind of song. 
I do understand why people do like this song. It's happy and pretty cool. But I do not feel this song. 

Number 7
Watashi is the only solo song ANGERME released this year. Fukuda Kanon graduated from ANGERME and wrote her own song (or actually only the lyrics). I was really disappointed by this song. It is quite fun and it fits Kanon, but it didn't really get me. The lyrics were quite boring and the part before the chorus was just meh. 
For me this song was not that good. I did enjoy it more than number 8, but I wish they gave her a ballad or more like Shabadabadoo. 

Number 6
The most energetic song of the year was by far Desugita Kui wa Utarenai. I can't help but feel like this song is so mm busy? I do like it and it really gets me hyper, which isn't always nice. I do love that everybody gets to sing and that they sound amazing.  
It really shows of that ANGERME has gotten a lot of great vocalists. Kana and Rinapuu really grow vocalwise and gosh Mizuki <3. The bridge is really cool and the part after that is really fun. And KANANANANANANAN <3 

Number 5
Number 5 is our little witch, Mahou Tsukai Sally is such a cute song. I really love how big the part of the 3rd gen is in this song. I love cute ANGERME and it fits them so well. And Maho showed how awsome she can sound. THe song was kinda remixed, which is pretty fun and the repeated pieces are so catchy.
Yanbara Yanyanyan!!! It is such a fun song and it really shows us how amazing the 3rd gen is. 

Number 4
Okay, let's be honest here. Taiki Bansai was not planned this high. But I figured I do only feel that way because I have heared it to much. The song itself is amazing, so why putt it low? It's really catchy and has a really classic feel to it. I really love how they did the lines and how fun it sounds. 
I think everybody in the H!P fandom knows this song by now. It deserves such a high spot, because it's fun and shows us what ANGERME is all about. They are cool, but really fun. And that line from Mizuki, gosh that girl can sing!

Number 3
Nana Korobi Ya Oki must have been one of the best songs of the year. I really loved the song and the whole darkish sound it had. I really loved that Kana is really being pushed and gets to sing more, because she sounds so awsome here. I actually really like that they have a dance and singing group. Because it shows of girls who do not get to sing in other singles. 
This song is really dark and has a tragic but cool feel to it. I really love how the instruments flow and how beautiful the vocals are. 

Number 2
On number 2 we have an extremely cool song Dondengaeshi. When this song started I knew I loved it right away. It's so incredibly cool. I adore how strong they start of, go a bit more slow and follow with more stong and awsome parts. This song fits ANGERME so much. I love this cool vibe. 
The Chorus is really fast but so much fun. It kinda makes me think of Brainstorming for some reason. It's so cool and I love cool ANGERME.

Number 1 was my favorite song for so long, but it got a hard time when Dondengaeshi came along. Still it made number 1. 
Number 1
Otome no Gyakushuu took me by suprise in a lot of ways. I knew S/mileage to be a fun and cute group, eventhough they already had produced some cooler songs. But this song was darkish and made me think of Halloween. It is such a diffrent song then Taiki Bansai and I loved ever part of it. 
Maybe it was also the big part Kana got for the first time. But gosh this song is so magical. The vocals are really cool and really show how much some girls have improved (Ayaka, Rina and Kana). It's such a creepy and darkish song. I really am a sucker for songs like this. 
And have you guys heared those backing vocals. Gosh it's really a song that has been putt togheter really well. The bridge is a bit weird, but the contrast with the other parts of the song is amazing. 

This song really deserved the place it got, because it really is a super strong song. 


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