MMmonth: My favorite songs

MMmonth will be longer than a month! I have picked up a new study and I am working hard, so post will be slow but coming! Today we will be looking through my iTunes list to see which Morning Musume songs are my top 15 of songs(album and singles)! The number behind the song title, is the amount iTunes says I have been listening to the song! Are you ready? Number 15 Fantasy ga Hajimaru (43) Ah, yes I can totally adore this song! When this album was released I got addicted to this song and Eri's song. I wonder if that one will be in the list.. I am a big fan of Sayumi's voice in this song and it goes so well with Ai-chan's and Eri's vocals. In my opinion this song showcases Ai-chan's vocal abilities the best of any Momusu song. That end note still makes me shiver! Number 14 What is Love? (45) I am really suprised What is Love? made it into this list! I really like the song, but I never actually put it on. This does explain why my mother was s...