Morning Musume '15 Ranking

I know, this post is long overdue, but let's do this anyway!
Morning Musume '15 Ranking
I have to be honest with you guys, I waited a little while with this post because I kinda wanted to get to know the newbies a little bit more, before I actually rank them.
Please keep in mind that I adore each and every one of these girls and I think they all are important for the group. Eventhough one of them is on 13, I still love her!

Number 13
At number 13 we have light pink Cutie Makino Maria. It is quite hard to explain why Maria is at number 13. She just didn't really ever grab my attention and I don't really think she is extremely pretty. I love her most when she looks like she does in the above pictures, serious.
I might grow to adore this girl, but for now I just don't really know what I think about her. 

Number 12
Number 12 is our ever shining Ace Sayashi Riho. I think Riho is awsome. I like her singing, I like her dancing and I think she is good in acting. But for me she isn't really Ace material. Her singing is good, but not awsome. But anyway I really like Riho and I hope that she will forever be as cute as she is right now!

Number 11
The beautiful leader is at number 11: Fukumura Mizuki. Mizuki has been really growing, which means I can't really call her Fuku-chan anymore. I like Mizuki, I think she is really pretty and she can handle a lot of amazing lines. But I just can't help but think she should smile more and be a more present member. She is the leader now, so I think this will change, which might move her up!

Number 10
Number 10 is the baby of the group Haga Akane. Such a little cutie. I don't really know a lot about Akane. I know she is adorable and has a suprisingly deep voice, but that's about it. I kinda get annoyed by her whole Kudo-is-amazing thing, because it's just to much. But that's about it. I just don't know the girl enough to place her higher.

Number 9
Ready for number 9? Sato Masaki is one of those members who keeps suprising me. She is really cute and noisy. Her voice is really awsome and she can do a lot. Masaki is at number 9 because she sometimes is way to noisy for my taste. But I think she is really cute and pretty.

Number 8
The queen of English Nonaka Miki is at number 8. Miki has been grabbing my attention from day one. She really cute and I adore her dancing. Ofcourse it's a big plus she can speak English! The longer she is a member, the more I adore her. So who know how long it will take her to climb up some spots!

Number 7
At number 7 we find gorgeous Suzuki Kanon. Kanon is a member who makes you smile everytime you see her. She is very beautiful, has a great voice and smiles so bright. I wish she got to sing more and I am still mad she wasn't featured in their last singles MV's. Kanon is awsome!

Number 6
Number 6 is dance machine Ishida Ayumi. I remember the time Ayumin was my number one... But for some reason she dropped so many spots >3<. I can't even think of any reasons why, because Ayu is awsome. I really think she improved a lot with singing and she is really a member who shines while preforming. Her dancing still amazes me.

Number 5
Number 5 is for handsome Kudo Haruka. Really this girl is amazing. She totally grabbed me with her preformance in Lilium and her lines in Dream Last Train. Haruka should totally be in front. She has the whole package. I think she is very reliable and really cute and pretty. 

Number 4
Our suprise beauty Ogata Haruna is at number 4. Ogata-chan is the highest ranking 12th gen. I love her. I think she is really beautiful. She keeps suprising me, being adorable or kinda weird. She will only be cuter in the future and I hope to see lots more of her!

Number 3
Ikuta Erina is at number 3. Eripon is so awsome. I really love how beautiful she is. Her dancing is really cool. She is really working hard to become the number 1 idol and I think that is really admirable. Eripon is super and I hope more and more people will see this.

Number 2
 At number 2 we have mature and gorgeous Iikubou Haruna. Harunan is a real entertainer. She is funny and beautiful. It wouldn't suprise me if she is also really smart. I think she has a really original voice, which is really nice and eventhough her dancing sometimes looks weird, she is working really hard to perfect it. Harunan is awsome because of so many reasons.

Number 1
And Finally number 1! Oda Sakura the supping Utahime is my absolute favorite Momusu member! I love Sakura. I loved her from the very first audition she did and I followed her all the way from there until where she is right now. Her voice is really beautiful and can almost do anything. Her dancing is amazing and on top of all that she is beautiful. Sometimes I forget how young she is. She is really mature and I love her so much. Sakura you deserve to be my number 1!!


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