Kobushi Factory: The next Survivor

Kobushi Factory was only announced a few months ago and they only released one indies single, BUT they announced their debut the be this fall! 
If we look at it right: Juice=Juice debutted earlier, but they released 3 indies singles. So it's not that soon and just like Juice=Juice they have two songs (Ten Made Nobore is ofcourse a song with Kenshuusei) and they will release a triple a-side as their debut.

I have to say I am really happy for them. A lot of these girls have been working quite some years and I think they are a very strong group (eventhough Tsubaki grabbed my heart). 
This group is very cool and something H!P doesn't have. With their amazing first indies single, a debut couldn't be far away. When the single came available on E-lineup! it was sold out within moments. I even asked someone to get the single for me at their event (thanks Alita!). 
Their debut is soon, but I think they are ready and they already have quite a fanbase.

But with all the whole Uta thing going on, I kinda feel like this is a cover up. Something to make the fans happy again. I know they probably thought about them debutting earlier, but why announce it a t a Nama Tamago when the start of the summer concerts is so close by? I really do feel like they kind rushed it to kinda get the attention of Uta. 

And I don't blame them. Uta leaving is kind of another dark moment in the History of H!P. A lot of Rumors are going around and I think they kind need some good news and this is amazing news. 

I wonder what they are going to do with Tsubaki Factory now. I kinda hope they will be releasing their first indies single soon (please let 17sai be one of the songs!!). They are sister groups, so I guess they can't be far behind. 
For now I am just really happy these girls get their much awaited debut. Ayano has been waiting for this for ages and the others were also long time members (with Rei as exception, Ayaka had been a member of Nice Girls project Kenshuusei for a long time). I hope Nen ni wa Nen new version will be awsome. One of the songs will be used for a drama, which is great for them. 

I hope they will get really populair and make all their dreams come true (No graduates please please please!!!)


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