Hyouka: You can't escape

This blogpost contains some minor spoilers of the story!
Once in a while I like to drown myself into an Anime serie. 
This time I bumped upon Hyouka and I couldn't escape. This was one of those series that is a masterpiece that will draw you right into the story. 
There are a lot of things I love about this anime, so let me write them down for you:
1. Relatable Characters
2. An easy going and fun story
3. Diverse characters
4. Character development
5, Amazing animation
I really adored all the diffrent Characters. We have the four main characters: Houtarou, Satoshi, Eru and Mayaka. The story revolves around them, while Houtarouis the main character.
Overall I think the story wasn't even that exiting. It was good and I enjoyed it a lot, but it really felt like a slice of the story. There is no real beginning or ending, which is kinda frustrating to be honest.
I really liked how the story made me part of their every day school life, but it also made me wonder what the real story was and why there are so many questions that never got an answer.
Don't get me wrong, this serie was perfect in my eyes. I love how a lot is left to the imagination. It makes me wanna think about the story and it's characters more. I really love how you see the characters change, it makes me feel like I see them grow up and I love it. 
I love all the mysteries and I love seeing Houtarou thinking of a solution and thinking along with him. I always tent to like the male characters better than the female and this anime was no exeption. Houtarou and Satoshi grabbed my heart and will probably never leave. I really love how they are kinda opposites, but their characters go deeper than the usual anime. 
With all this I think you can say I am kinda wrong with my easy going story. It has a lot of diffrent dimensions that you really have to explore yourself before you understand what I mean. 
As I said earlier: The ending wasn't satisfying... But it wasn't bad. The whole serie was a nice distraction of every day life and it was just a lot of fun. 
Please give it  a watch and tell me what you think!


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