H!P Hidden Gems: ONLY YOU

I haven't done a post like this in a while.. So here is one! This is another song I really adore and I can listen to it all day long:
What kind of song?: Album Song
Artist(s): Zoku V-u-den
Year: 2009

1. Is this song unknown or is it pretty populair? 
I remember this song to be really populair, but I don't know if it still is. It is ofcourse a cover that was already known, but Zoku V-u-den's version was pretty populair!
2. What is a good prefromance of this song?
3. Where there any outfits for this song? If not what are the outfits for the album/a-side?
There is no official outfit for this song. But they wore this during one of the concerts:
4. What makes this song good?
The song is very catchy and easy to sing along. It's a really cool song and it sounds super fun.
5. When was the last time this song was preformed and by who? (if possible video).
By Okai Chisato in 2014 during the Hinamatsuri Festival
6. Which part should people look forwards to?
The chorus! It's really good and easy to sing along to!
7. If this song was prefromed in the next H!P tour, what members should be preforming and in what kind of outfits? (Picture if possible)
I would like this to be done by: Oda Sakura, Tamura Meimi and Kanazawa Tomoko.
8. Ask one other persons opinion about this song:
Coming soon
9. Give this song a grade (1/10 with 1 being horrible, to 10 being awsome)
9! I really adore this song and it has a lot of awsome parts. I think it's a great song to sing along with and dance on.
10. What is the "populair" rating for this song?
It gets a populair rating ofr 4 points! Which gets this song a shared 1st place!


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