New System: Hello!Project is everchanging

It has been some time ago, but I still wanted to talk about the changes in Hello!Project.
Big things happend and they are still going on! 
As you might remember Hello!Project had members change groups for the first time!
Morito Chisaki, Yanagawa Nanami and Funaki Musubu from Country Girls would be switching their main activities to another group, while Yamaki Risa and Ozeki Mai would be focussing on school. This made Country Girls a "part-time" group that only preformes during school vacations and holidays.
It was also announced that Kawamura Ayano, Ichinoka Reina and Danbara Ruru would be debutting and this would be announced at the same date! Super exciting!

My predictions/hopes before the announcement were:
Morito Chisaki- Morning Musume, New group
Yanagawa Nanami- Kobushi Factory, ANGERME
Funaki Musubu- ANGERME, Morning Musume, Juice=Juice
Danbara Ruru- Solist, new group, Morning Musume, Juice=Juice
Ichinoka Reina- New group, Tsubaki Factory, ANGERME, Kobushi Factory
Kawamura Ayano- New group, Tsubaki Factory, ANGERME, Juice=Juice 

So I did think a lot of things, but I wasn't that far of! 
Chisaki did get in to Morning Musume (as I thought), Musubu joined ANGERME as I predicted, Ruru is going to be a great addition to Juice=Juice, Ichinoka is getting her own group to lead and Kawamura is going to change up ANGERME.

Danbara going to Juice=Juice is really amazing. I think Ruru is super talented and has that same flair as most Juice=Juice members have. She is also in their age range, which is really nice. I wonder what kind of fruit she will get. Maybe she will get something orange? Or blue like blueberry? I am really happy for Ruru, as this group seems so great for her.

Nanami was a big blank for me. I didn't know were to put her or in what group she would flourish. I was so suprised when she got into Juice=Juice! She is so tiny and young, while Juice=Juice is now the "oldest" group in age. I do think she would fit their weirdness perfectly and it might be nice for the members to have a younger sister member!

No suprises here. It must be so weird for Chisaki to join the group she actually auditioned for in this way. She will be the 14th generation of Morning Musume. I understand why she got into Morning Musume. She is cute, she is shy, she is interesting. She will be a great addition to the group, but it is weird non the less..

Kawamura Ayano joining ANGERME is so much fun! Kawamu lok so relaxed and shy, which makes it so interesting that she is joining such a crazy and weird group! I look forwards to her in this group!

Musubu in ANGERME. It's perfect. Her energy will be perfect in that group. Wada will surely be a great leader for her and Musubu's vocals will make up for the loss of Meimi.

Ichinoka will be starting her own group! She will be the leader of a group with Kenshuusei members and I am so proud of her. Ichinoka has been working so hard and for so long. I am sure she will do perfectly and make a group worthy of her leadership.

When the announcement was just made, a lot of people were shocked with the placements. No changes were made to Kobushi Factory and Tsubaki Factory, which makes sense as they are the youngest groups and Tsubaki already had new members joining them not to long ago. 
Another big thing was Fukumura Mizuki's  and Morning Musume's reaction to Chisaki joining. They seemed weird and cold towards her, was what fans said. I didn't really feel that way. It seemed like Mizuki didn't know what to expect and was suprised to see Chisaki. She said some really nice things to Chisaki, on how she was worried for her and hoped she would give it her all. The other members also didn't know what was going to happen. They thought Mizuki was going to graduate and I am sure they never ever expected a new member, especially not in the for of Morito Chisaki. 
The new members will start their activities during the Hello!Pro Summer tour. Country Girls will be active during this tour and even Ichinoka Reina will play a part in the concert. 

Hello!Project will never be a thing that stands still. There will always be changes. No group has been free from member changes. As fans we need to support our girls during these hard times. We only have to deal with the changes from the outside, but these girls have to deal with everything from the inside, changes in dance formations and group dynamics.

Hello!Project is everchanging!


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