Tsugunaga Momoko: Leaving with her pinky up

Tsugunaga Momoko will be graduating from Country Girls and Hello!Project tomorrow. Momochii has been in Hello!Project for over 15 years and will now become a kindergarten teacher! Ahhhh, The last of Hello!Pro kids is going to graduate and her graduation is already tomorrow. I can not believe how fast this day has come. Graduations are hard. It is weird to see a girl grow and do all these amazing things in Hello!Project and then one day they graduate and you never see them anymore. And Momochii, well she is the idols of idols. She is in the same range as Michishige Sayumi if you ask me. Momo has been active for 15 years, she has been in many succesful groups and hse has even had her own solo songs and now even an album! Momoko is not only an amazing idol, but she has also shown us these last few years what an awsome mentor she has been to Country Girls. It must have been really hard on her to be the only one of her group not wanting to graduate and transfer to another...