Hello!Pro Questions: get to know me! (Part 2)

Did you say part 2 of the Hello!Pro Questions?
I am ready if you are!
Last time we stopped by number 40, so now we will go on until number 80!

41. Who is your favorite Tsubaki Factory member?
Niinuma Kisora and Ono Mizuho, closely followed by Ogata Risa.

42. Who is your favorite Hello! Pro Kenshuusei member?
Can I just make a list? Because there are a lot of girls I adore.
To start with Danbara Ruru and Horie Kizuki, followed by the whole 27th gen.

43. Which member would you like to have as your mother?
As in current members? That would be weird, as I am older than most of them. I guess Suzuki Airi of the current members and Kamei Eri or Niigaki Risa of the graduated members. They all seem fun and caring members, so probably great and loving mothers (same goes for Sudo Maasa).

44. Which member would you like to have as your sister?
Yokoyama Reina looks like a sister I would be protecting for dear life, while Kudo Haruka seems like one I would go on outings with all the time. 

45. Which member would you like to have as your best friend?
Iikubo Haruna and I share a lot of interests and are close(r) to eachother in age, so I think we would have a lot to talk about. Kanazawa Tomoko looks like someone I could have a lot of fun with and go crazy all the time. 

46. Which member would you like to have as your daughter?
Kamikokuryou Moe and Morito Chisaki. Both look like the most adorable and tiny daughters.

47. Which member would you like to have as your girlfriend?
Suzuki Airi! For sure! She is cute, funny, beautiful, sexy! The whole package!

48. Which member would you like to have as your boyfriend?
Kudo Haruka! She seems like a great boyfriend ;)

49. Which member would you like to have as your roommate?
Michishige Sayumi or Oda Sakura. Both seem like fun people to be around.

50. Do you have an OTP? Who?
Not an OTP. I do not ship people in Hello!Pro. I do like combinations for Musicals and stuff. Like Kudo Haruka and Oda Sakura. They are a strong combi. 

51. Do you have an NOTP? Who?

52. What is your favorite Satoyama unit?

53. What is your favorite Satoyama song?

It's a tie between Dream Last Train by Triplets and Forefore ~Forest for Rest~ by DIY.

54. What is your favorite MV?
This is hard. There are a lot of amazing MV's done by Hello!Project. I adore all outside Mv's as they always give such a great vibe. I think it's a tie for me between Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi and Mikaeri Bijin. As both are really pretty to watch and have such a nice feel to them.

55. What is the most impressive dance by H!P?
I am always impressed by the dance team during Oh My Wish!

56. Who is the best vocal?
Suzuki Airi, Oda Sakura, Kamei Eri and Kanazawa Tomoko.
57. Who is the best dancer?
Sayashi Riho, Ishida Ayumi, Ikuta Erina and Murota Mizuki
58. Who is the best MC?
Iikubo Haruna 

59. Who is the best actress?
Kudo Haruka 

60. Who is the best leader?
Wada Ayaka & Michishige Sayumi

61. Do you prefer fixed line-up groups, or generation groups?
Both in their own way. The bond between members of a fixes line up is amazing, but I love the Senpai-Kouhai Mix and the freshness it brings to a group.

62. What is your favorite Morning Musume era?
All of them have their own charm. I really like colorful and platinum because I became fan when Platinum started, so I saw them grow, but I actually just like all of them.

63. When did you become a fan?
When Buono! and Guardians 4 started. I got into Hello!Pro through them.

64. Have you seen any H!P group live? Which?
Yes. I have seen Berryz Koubou and C-ute live in Paris. I also saw Hangry and Angry there two years before that and Yoshizawa Hitomi and Ishikawa Rika as Dream Morning Musume. 

65. Have you been to a H!P handshake event?
(I am in red with Kumai!)
Yes, I shook hands with All of Berryz Koubou and C-ute!

66. What are your favorite lyrics?
The lyrics to Tsumetai always make me cry.

67. Is there a member you dislike?
I can not dislike girls who work as hard as they do.

68. Is there a member you’d like to graduate?
There is no member of which I would say: PLEASE GO. But I would like for Sato Masaki and Aikawa Maho to choose themselfs above their fans. Graduate if you think that's the best for your health or life!

69. Which members would you promote to Morning Musume’s 14th Generation? When?

Danbara Ruru would still by my first choice, but I think Eguchi Saya and Matsunaga Riai would also both be amazing additions to the group. I would love to get them around 2018, but for Ruru that might be to late.

70. Which member would you promote to ANGERME’s 6th Generation? When?
Let's add Shimakura Rika and Yamazaki Yuhane around the Hello!Pro Summer concert!

71. Which members would you promote to Country Girls’ 3rd Generation? When?
Okamura Minami and Horie Kizuki! A somewhat older girl seems like a good choice for Country Girls and a cute young one for the heck of it! Let Momoko announce them before her graduation and let her train them for a bit!

72. Which members would you promote to Kobushi Factory’s 2nd Generation? When?
Let's throw in Ichinoka Reina-chan and give Kobushi a big shock! As soon as possible.

73. Which members would you promote to Tsubaki Factory’s 3rd Generation? When?
Kanatsu Mizuki and Maeda Kokoro! When the first girl leaves the group.

74. If you could make a new unit, who would be in it?
All girls of the Hokkaido program!

75. Would you like to see a return of H!P Shuffle Units?
Yes! I love these shuffle units. It makes things interesting and shows some over group bonds.

76. If you were to create a new shuffle unit, who would be in it?
Ah such a hard question. I really like them to just putt all girls in different groups again. But maybe Hello!Pro is to big for that right now.

77. What is your favorite performing outfit?
These are SOOOO beautiful!

78. What is your favorite MV outfit?

79. What is your favorite concert unit?
Concert unit? Maybe the units which were based on image colors?

80. Please tell us a happy memory related to Hello! Project?
Hello!Pro's happy songs got me through High school and College. So what's not to love. Not to mention meeting Berryz and C-ute!


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