5 favorite voices of J-pop

Let me do a post about some of my all time favorite voices in the J-pop world. I am just going to pick 5 I really enjoy at this moment, as in listen to them everyday. I know there are so many more amazing vocalists in the J-pop world, so please send them to me on twitter!

Suzuki Airi
Let's get started with this queen. Suzuki Airi for me just has the perfect voice, not to mention the looks. I really love how her voice is smooth, yet still incredibly powerful and full of suprised. She can hit so many notes without even looking like she has to try. Her amazing voice just seems to come naturaly or something. Airi is amazing and I really hope she never stops singing.

Maeda Atsuko
Acchan had such a beautiful voice! I love how it is really dramatic and can touch your heart so easy. There are so many songs I love by Acchan! Migikata is one of my alltime favorites. I really love how her voice can change from dramatic, to happy, to cheeky, to sexy, to cool. I really do understand why she was the ultimate ace in AKB. 

Washio Reina
Shame on me for not discovering FLOWER earlier, because Washio Reina's voice saves my ears. I was so suprised to find someone with a voice like this. It's so strong and so different from most J-pop voices. The amount of emotion, the raw perfection, the amount of notes she reaches. Washio is really amazing. She currently is the only vocalist in FLOWER and I wish I had more money to throw at them, because my ears want more of her voice.

Oda Sakura
You were waiting for it right? Here she is: Oda Sakura, Suppin Utahime. Without a doubt I will say she is currently one of the best vocalists of Hello!Project. Even Tsunku says so. Oda-chan for me has such an enjoyable voice, with many facets to enjoy. I can't even choose is her voice is better in singles, live or in musicals. She is talented and I think she can still get only better.

Kashiwagi Yuki
Last is beautiful Kashiwagi Yuka from AKB48. I adore adore adore her voice. It's so soft and clear. I still don't understand why they let her go during Momusu's 8th gen auditions. Her voice is so beautiful. I am happy though that she is getting so much attention in AKB with her solo singles, solo concerts etc. etc. 

These were just 5 beautiful voices in the J-pop world. Do you have any others for me to check out?


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