Dream Setlist: 12th gen Mini Live ~12th gen no Party!~

When I was thinking about a 12th gen event, I found out that 12th gen never had their own mini live event. only a talking event. Not cool! 

12th gen Mini Live~12th gen no Party!~
1. Utakata Saterday Night
I love Utakata and I think it's energy fits 12th gen. As the current youngest gen I want them to have a party and a lot of energy-filled songs!
2. Guru Guru Jump
Guru Guru Jump seems like a song that would fit the 12th gen. It is fun, it is happy and it gets a crowd going!
3. 17sai- Ogata Haruna
I saw her birthday preformance of this song and she should totally sing it more!
4. Watashi no Miryoku ni Kizukanai Donkan na Hito- Nonaka Miki
Purple members unite! Okay, so Aika was officially light purple, but I don't care. I think Miki would totally rock this song and it is such a fun song!
5. Koi Kana- Makino Maria
Maria makes me think of a Koha Sayu hybrid, so I need to see her sing Koi Kana. I would love for her to wear a big pink dress with lots of fluff. She already did Happy, so Koi Kana should be fun!
6. Dokidoki! Love Mail- Haga Akane
I actually thought about Akane doing Be Alive, but I think she should do something happy. So I want her to do Dokidoki! Love Mail. I think she should be able to pull this of perfectly!
7. Suki-chan
I think Suki-chan is a really adorable song and it would fit 12th gen really nicely. It's happy and very sweet and the SUKI-chan SUKi-chan ... ga SUKI-chan would be adorable!
8. Koko ni Iruzee
Ending with WOW WOW WOW minna lonely boys and girls! I love this song and it's energy. Let's start this event with big energy and let's end it that way too!

What do you think 12th gen should sing in their first event? What songs did you like on my list and where would you change things?


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