Tsubaki Factory: New members join right in their teen years!

A new members. How I love new members.
For a group to grow, new members could be the key to unlock so many new things.
However, for a group to recieve new members before they have debutted... It's not common in H!P.
Let's talk a little bit about groups and new members and ofcourse look at these new additions to TF!

When S/mileage and Juice=Juice were formed, Tsunku said that the members could be changed (added or taken from the group) before and after their debut. This was a really scary thing for these two new groups and their new fans. The groups had to find a dynamic between the members to stay as they were. We ofcourse know that Tsunku never added any members before their debut nor did he take members. S/mileage got new members after Ogawa Saki started thinking about leaving the group (maybe Maeda Yuuka was also already in this mindset) and Juice=Juice only lost Otsuka Aina due to Contract issues. Kobushi Factory and Country Girls debutted without any line- up changes. The only group that got a member added before they debutted was C-ute and Arihara Kanna was added so soon into the group, that most people don't even know C-ute preformed as a 7-member group before Kanna joined. Yet Kanna was in all indie releases and is considered an original member. 
Yet Tsubaki Facotory got three members added before the group debutted. The big question everybody is asking themeselfs: Why? What was the reason to add new members? 
There are quite a few things that could be the reason of adding members;
The current members might have not attracted enough fans.
They wanted to give the group a big boost in publicity.

Let's start with the fact that I really like all three new members. I had been looking forwards to their debut and I am really happy they are debutting in a group that I like as much as I do. Mizuho has been catching my eye for a while. Saori has been in my top kenshuusei eversince she joined and Mao got my attention with her dance award in  the latest Kenshuusei recital. All three girls look like they have a lot of potential and I can not wait for them to debut and show us what they have.

Yet I feel terrible for the original 6 Tsubaki members. They must feel horrified knowing they must have not been enough to debut as just the six of them. They must be really doubting themselfs as a group and as preformers, or at least that would be what I would do if this would happen before debutting. They looked like such a polished group, I really wonder what management wants to get out of new members. Was the group to small?

Anyway I really like the group and I am happy with the additions. The new girls are great and will probably help the group as every new addition to a group does. I hope the original members will be fine and I really don't want any of them to leave. Let's wait a few days for the new members to debut in the group and see what it does! I guess this just shows that no group is the same.


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