H!P Reviews: Resonant Blue

Yes, I know. I am starting another column eventhough I do not write that often. Yet I actually really wanted to write more about H!P singles and what I think about them! I mean I adore H!P and the big thing about H!P is ofcourse their singles and albums!! So that's why I started this new column. I hope you guys enjoy it and please let me know what your opinion is about certain singles!

Today we are going to look at Resonant Blue. I had quite a hard time deciding which single/album would be done first, but when I searched for Hello!Project on Youtube this was the first song to come up. So let's go back to the platinum era and have a look at Resonant Blue. 
Resonant Blue is the 36th single of Morning Musume. It was released in 2008 in 5 versions (2 Limited editions, Regular edition, Single V and Event V). The members for this single were: Takahashi Ai, Niigaki Risa, Kamei Eri, Michishige Sayumi, Tanaka Reina, Kusumi Koharu, Mitsui Aika, Junjun and Linlin. It sold 55,949 copies. 
The tracklist for the cd:
1. Resonant Blue
2. Sono Bamen de Bibiccha Ikenai Jan!
3. Resonant Blue (Instrumental)

Resonant Blue
Resonant blue was one of the first singles I ever heared from Morning Musume. It is also one of the first song I ever covered. I remember thinking Morning Musume had three singers and a lot of back dancers, which ofcourse is not true. 
Resonant blue might be the song a lot of people talk about when asked about the platinum era. During this time Takahashi and Tanaka were the centers and aces. They pretty much were featured heavily in ever single and this might have been the high of that era. Most of the members didn't sing more that Wow or oh and ah, which made a lot of big Morning Musume fans mad. 
Yet I really think this song is amazing. It grabs you and takes you on an almost arabic trip through a very sad romance. The song itself is really good and has a very high sing-along factor.
I always enjoy listening to this song and singing along with it!

Sono Bamen de Bibiccha Ikenai Jan!
Wait what? You have never heared of this song? Well that is very possible, as it has only been preformed about 4 times and only during the platinum era (although H!P Kenshuusei preformed it in 2013?). Yet this song is really REALLY good! It is a party. It's a very happy and good concert song. I love the fact that everybody got to sing and that it has this part that repeats, which makes it easy to sing along with. Haven't heared this song before? What are you waiting for! GO!

The covers for Resonant Blue are actually quite boring. The girls look really pretty, but the setting is really boring and the blue titel doesn't fit the theme at all. And then there is one really pink/red cover, which I do not understand at all. Yet the girls look quite lovely and cute! I actually like that cover. 

The outfits are all very black, only the three front girls actually also wear white. I think the outfits look really great on the girls, but they are really casual and normal. I mean really like casual, but it's also kind of boring. Yet again, the girls look pretty and that is all I actually care for!

This single is really nice. Both songs are nice. Resonant Blue is super cool and sad, while Sono Bamen is really happy and makes you wanna get up and dance. I got into Morning Musume during the Platinum era, so song from that time are really close to my heart. 
So this single is a big fat 7! I love the songs and I really need Sono Bamen to be preformed by the current Morning Musume! I do think 


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