H!P Hidden Gems:Makeruna Wasshoi!

Hidden Gems are everywhere in H!P. For big fans who follow ever song that comes out of H!P this might not even be a hidden gem, but I know a lot of fans were really suprised that this song was not a new song when it was preformed during this years winter concert. 

Makeruna Wasshoi!
Name: Makeruna Wasshoi!
What kind of song?: Special indies song
Artist(s): Bekimasu
Year: 2011

1. Is this song unknown or is it pretty populair? 
Well I think it is pretty unknown, seen the reactions it got when it was preformed last H!P concert. It also never got a big release, it was first only released digitally and later on as an indies single.
2. What is a good prefromance of this song?
The only preformance with all original members!!
3. Where there any outfits for this song? If not what are the outfits for the album/a-side?
It actually sort of had two outfits? It had the outfits on the cover and the outfits in the preformance.
4. What makes this song good?
It is just a really fun song with quite a diffrent music style. I like how all the groups sing togheter. 
5. When was the last time this song was preformed and by who? (if possible video).
Last time was in March by H!P Kenshuusei, but it's hard to find a video of that preformance..
6. Which part should people look forwards to?
The chorus! It is really fast and fun!
7. If this song was prefromed in the next H!P tour, what members should be preforming and in what kind of outfits? 
All? Or maybe just ANGERME, C-ute and Momoko! In those insect outfits!
8. Ask one other persons opinion about this song:
Pass again!
9. Give this song a grade (1/10 with 1 being horrible, to 10 being awsome)
7! I like this song a lot, but there are so many songs I like better ;)
10. What is the "populair" rating for this song?
7! It has been preformed quite a few times when it was just released!


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