[Music Column] Top 10 Itunes playlist!

Hello hello everyone! Today we are going to have a little look into my Itunes playlist! I want to show you the song that are at the top of my playlist, so you get an idea of what songs I enjoy and what I think are the best songs on my playlist! Currently I have 626 songs, which will last me for 1.7 days! So here we go with number 10: With 77 listens: Two songs have 77 listens (After this post both 78!). Blue Bird by Ikimono Gakari and Jane Doe by Takahashi Minami ! I love these songs. Blue Bird caught my attention due to Taiko no Tatsujin. I thought it was a really cool song, with amazing vocals and beat. Jane Doe, I don't remember how I came by it. I think it might have been because on this CD Takamina covered Migikata, which is one of my favorite songs ever. So the song was on my to listen list and made it this far because it's amazing. I love the really cool and kind of tragic feel. If I had to choose between one of these song, I wouldn't choose. Th...