Morning Musume: A change is made

It might be only for this single, it might be an actual change.
But whatever it is, I wanna talk to you guys about it:
Morning Musume's new single.

I guess you guys already know what I am going to talk about, but let's say it anyway:
Two of the new songs for their new single do not have Sayashi Riho as center.
This is weird, this is new and this is great.
(I LOVE RIHO, So don't even get started on that).
For some time now we had a clear vocal and visual center in Morning Musume:
Sayashi Riho has been in the center for quite some time now, she has the most to sing and always get to be in the dance group during the bridges. She has been pushed every since Only You.
A lot of fans have been complaining, they don't find her fit for a center or they find the focus to much on her etc etc. As for me: I do wish other girls would be in the center sometimes, but I am already happy when they get solos lines (like Eripons Dare zo). Centers are always there. And gosh it was way worse ages ago:
I mean do those people even remember Resonant Blue and Furusato? Furusato was actually a solo song by Nacchi with the other members as backing vocals. Resonant Blue wasn't much better, because only Ai, Reina and Koha got to actually sing. the other members got to make some uh and ah noises and the WOWOW parts. But if we are talking about covers, do you guys remember this:
Memory Seishun no Hikari, which was Fukuda Asuka's graduation single. It really looks like Nacchi and some other girls. She is in front, focus is on her and the other are just in the back hanging around (with Kei-chan and Ichii not even fully in the picture). 
But right now we have center Sayashi and she has to share a lot of spotlight with Mizuki, Ayumi, Masaki and Sakura. They also get to sing and they also get to dance in front. So it's not like those times. But I understand why some fans feel hurt: their favorite are always in the back. 

BUT the new Momusu single will kinda change this! First of two of the three songs are confirmed not to be led by Riho. Oh my Wish will be Haruka and Kanon center, while Imasugu Tobikomu Yuuki will be led by Masaki and Miki. This is quite a change and I really like it. What is also new, is that in Oh my Wish there is a dance group (Mizuki, Erina, Riho, Ayumi) that will not sing. ANGERME has the same thing in their upcoming single. It's new and I kinda like it because they get to stand out in another way, but the weaker singers or singers that are usually in the back get to be pushed. 

For me this change is welcome, actually change is always welcome. It keeps things intresting, new and fresh. I can not wait to see and hear more of this single and I hope we get more leads by diffrent members, because Morning Musume has a lot of amazing members!


  1. Color me intrigued and it's fascinating to see how the dynamic changes (especially in a group like Morning Musume).

    I share your sentiments regarding the past "heavily centered" singles. While Memory and Furusato were before my time as a fan, Resonant Blue wasn't. (shudders) I remember the... "atmosphere" during that time period.

    For now, we're living in a fun time where the members get musical spotlight outside of the albums. (smiles)

    1. Memory and Furusato were be for my time too, but still it seemed hard and weird (must have been even weirder when young Maki joined and became absolute center).

      Right now all the girls get spotlight, if it's not with singing it's with dancing or during concerts. I am happy about how things are going right now


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