Thank you Very Berry: The day before

The Day Before
I haven't posted anything on Berryz this weekend.
I followed their Berryz Koubou Matsuri concert and did some other things.
I just don't know what to post anymore. Everything gets me so sad and makes me wanna cry.
Tomorrow is the day. Which means today is the last full day of Berryz Koubou.
The concert will start at 10 a.m. my time, so I have to make sure to be up by then, so I can have my computer up and running. I might as my boyfriend to lend me is computer just in case, the Sayumin concert didn't really work on my computer, but who knows.

Berryz must all be ready to graduate. They have been working towards this day for quite some time. I really hope the concert of tomorrow will be everything they want it to be. 

I will blog tomorrow, I guess it will be live. I might do it here or I might twitter about it or something. My twitter is here btw:

I'll let you all know tomorrow!


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